Congratulations to our UBW Mo Bros and Mo Sistas for their epic efforts in raising funds for the Movember campaign. From a visit to the local barber, growing a bespoke mo (and voluntary mullet), running expeditions (they went for gold) and even our UBW fleet were adorned with their own signature Mo. It was indeed a MOmentous campaign!

Movember is dear to the hearts of our UBW family and friends, which is why we wanted to match the funds raised dollar for dollar towards this worthy cause. This brings the grand total amount raised to $3776 – our biggest amount so far!!!

In addition to raising critical funds for men’s health, Movember is also about encouraging open and honest conversations. Our campaign this year was in honour of our dear friend Martin Dempsey.

Thank you to everyone who supported the UBW team and donated generously and an honourable mention to Peter Kyra and Adem Korkmazer for the MO with the MOstest!

Need support: 

Lifeline 13 11 14 

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636


Mates In Construction 1300 642 111