UBW was engaged to conduct various building projects for City of Canada Bay, which included Concord Library and Wellbank Children’s Centre.
Building works in the library were carried out in two stages and consisted of painting throughout the two-level open space, varnishing timber where work was required, installation of ceiling reinforcements for new architectural lighting and replacement globes to the exterior lighting, a detail clean of the large glass rear window wall and remodelling office fit-out works. A refresh to the reception desk, flooring and nappy change room upgrade to the early childhood centres located within the building.
Project Address
60 Flavelle Street, Concord NSW 2137
Contract Works
Architectural lighting, painting, Office fit-out, remodelling works, demolition, furniture/joinery, flooring, electrical, painting, French polish finish, electrical, installation of entry gates.
3 to 4 weeks for each project
City of Canada Bay Concord Library

City of Canada Bay Wellbank Children’s Centre