The foundation stone was laid in 1856 and designed by Edmund Blacket. The hospital began life as a refuge for “abandoned or destitute children of both sexes under the age of eight years”. The government passed a bill to turn the asylum into a military hospital in 1915. The children were fostered out or sent to other homes and in 1916 the building was officially handed over to the military. After the war, the building was renamed the Prince of Wales Hospital, it became a repat hospital looking after returned servicemen.
As that role diminished through the 1920s, it became a civilian institution known as the Randwick Auxiliary Hospital. In the 30s it was renamed the Prince Henry Hospital, possibly because the former Prince of Wales, Edward VIII, had abdicated. But after serving again as a military hospital during WWII, and a repat hospital after, it became known as the Prince of Wales again in the 50s.
UBW was contracted to work on the heritage building by working on repairing the verandah of the Edmund Blacket Building.
Project Address
Soudan Street, Randwick NSW 2031
Contract Works
heritage. Verandah works, flooring, timber balustrade, timber rafters and sheeting, copper downpipes.
17 weeks